It would be unfair for one person to describe to you the miracle that is The Redemptive Marketing Collective. So instead I will share what it is that God is doing.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another
in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:2-3
In 2023 God started to introduce key people together who He knew would be more than just a network. One by one the numbers grew, and in His infinite wisdom God began to lay out a plan.
His heart for His Church has always been unity, and no matter what the world tells you that is still the case. The Gospel still needs to be spoken and acted upon, and His Holy Spirit is constantly stirring up individuals to do so.
To this day God continues to draw creative individuals to Himself, then he connects them to His Universal Church. They are then sent out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To create in authentic and gospel saturated ways, in order for others to see the light from within them and glorify our Lord. (Matthew 5:16)
The Redemptive Marketing Collective was born at the beginning of 2024. But this all started when a loving God created the world, we were made in His image to be His Marketing.
Do you want to join us as we make His name known?