The Mic, the Message, and the Mission: How to Start a Podcast That Actually Matters
I still remember the first time I heard my voice played back to me. It was awful. Nasally. Weak. Like a nervous seventh-grader giving a book report on a novel he never actually read. I wanted to scrap the whole thing. And maybe you’ve felt the same hesitation—whether in starting a podcast, launching a ministry, or stepping into any space where your voice is put on display.
Who am I to do this? What if I say the wrong thing? What if no one listens?
The enemy loves these questions. He wields them like chains, locking down the voices of those called to proclaim the gospel. But here’s the truth: If God has given you a message, you don’t have to be the most eloquent, the most polished, or even the most experienced. You just have to be obedient. Moses stammered, Jeremiah doubted, and Paul? Well, Paul admits, “I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God” (1 Corinthians 2:1).
And yet, their words shaped nations. Not because they were impressive but because they were faithful.
So, if you feel God nudging you to start a podcast—to use your voice to advance His kingdom—let’s talk about how to do it in a way that actually matters. Not just another show to fill the airwaves, but a platform that proclaims Christ, disciples listeners, and calls people to action.
1. Clarify Your Why
You'll quit if you don’t know why you’re doing this. Plain and simple.
Your “why” can’t be because podcasting is trendy, because you like the sound of your voice, or because you hope to be the next big thing in Christian media. Those reasons will run out of steam.
But if your “why” is rooted in a calling? In a burden for the lost? In a fire for the gospel that won’t let you sit still? That will sustain you when the downloads are low, and the doubts are loud.
Paul told Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Timothy 1:6). A fire needs oxygen. Your “why” is the breath that will keep it burning.
2. Speak to Someone, Not Everyone
One of the biggest mistakes new podcasters make is trying to reach everyone. But Jesus didn’t preach in vague generalities. He spoke to people. Fishermen. Tax collectors. The weary. The burdened.
Who has God called you to reach?
Is it young church planters? Christian creatives? Stay-at-home moms discipling their kids? The more specific you are, the more powerful your message becomes. Speak to them. Let them feel seen, understood, and challenged.
3. Prioritize Substance Over Style
Let’s be honest—slick branding, high-quality audio, and catchy music are nice. They make a podcast enjoyable. But they don’t make it impactful.
If you spend hours perfecting the intro music but only minutes praying over the message, something is off.
Jesus didn’t draw crowds because He had the best production value. He spoke with authority (Matthew 7:29). His words carried weight. And that’s what will set your podcast apart—not the production quality but the presence of God in what you say.
So prepare. Pray. Study the Word deeply. Let your message be saturated in Scripture, not just sprinkled with it. The Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11), but our clever one-liners might.
4. Call People to Something
People don’t need more Christian entertainment. They need transformation. They need the gospel to move them toward obedience, repentance, faith, and mission.
Every episode should do more than inform—it should inspire action.
Ask yourself: What do I want my listener to do after this episode? Do I want them to pray more fervently? To step into a calling? To surrender something to God? To serve their neighbor?
James warns us not to be merely hearers of the Word but doers (James 1:22). Your podcast should move people to live differently, not just listen passively.
5. Trust God with the Results
You will be tempted to measure success by numbers. By downloads. By social media shares. By how quickly it grows. But faithfulness isn’t measured in analytics.
Think about Philip in Acts 8. He was in the middle of a thriving ministry in Samaria—preaching, performing miracles, seeing crowds come to Christ. Then God told him to go to a desert road. For one man. One Ethiopian eunuch.
That conversation changed a nation.
Your podcast might not go viral. But if one person is transformed by the gospel because of it, is that not worth it? Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:7). Shouldn’t we?
Start. Now.
If God has placed this on your heart, don’t wait until you feel ready. You won’t.
Step out in faith. Speak boldly. And trust that the same God who called you to this will equip you for it.
Because, in the end, it’s not about the microphone. It’s not about the numbers. It’s about the mission. And the gospel is too urgent to keep waiting.
So, what are you waiting for?