Perseverance in Christian Marketing
Dear readers,
I want to share with you as well as I can what has happened over these past couple days of chaos and beautiful silence. And how well they meshed together, it was quite odd to be completely honest, but it was exactly what I needed.
God knew what he was doing. Even when I saw not even a small splinter of the overall story, what I saw brought God glory, which is all the matters in the end.
The week started incredibly rough. Many things fell apart, and I couldn’t understand why, mainly due to the fact that I thought I was walking the path that God was calling me to hike through, when in reality I had about 17 branches (metaphorically) smack me in the face throughout the week.
This past week hurt. I came out of it very tired and hobbling quite a bit.
But I still had some incredible highs, and when I met them I couldn’t help but rejoice for the grace and love God chose to show me in those moments.
God spoke with me all week long, amidst the chaos, anger, and tears, he still spoke with me in the silence.
I gave up all control this week. And boy did it feel way better than I would’ve thought. I looked at my life through Heaven’s eyes, I really became so close to God throughout all of this even when I couldn’t heart him at all. I still knew he was there and I relied on him all the more.
I am going to assume most of you have never heard of the Swedish word “Fika”
I learned of the word last year at a very pivotal part of my story. I had just moved out into the real world for the first time and walked around with my hands open just asking God to place my feet where he wanted me to walk.
Fika by definition means this.
Fika: [ fee – ka ] Swedish
A moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life.
In the classic movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the main character stresses the fact that “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around you could miss it.”
I know that I’ve been bringing up this verse a lot lately, but I don’t think that’s a coincidence. God places scripture on our hearts for a reason. He wants us to dwell on him and what His word says.
James 4:14-15
“yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
It’s so important to be refocusing your eyes on Christ and the calling He’s given to all of us. In Matthew Jesus says that we are to go into all the world making disciples as we go. Sharing the Gospel, the good news to every ear who can hear.
No matter what work we are carrying out, it is so important to stop and reflect on what God is doing and not doing. He deserves all the praise and the glory either way, and who are we to not give Him what he is due?
Here’s where Fika really hits home for me. My life is crazy, and I’m sure yours is as well. But the God of the universe is still here, He still loves you, and he wants to be your everything. If I actually took the time to enjoy and dwell on all God’s done for me, I’d be sitting down Sunday morning and not getting up til Saturday night (80 years from now). He’s done so much for me. And I know He’s done the same for you.
Have you seen it?
Stop, sit down, and don’t say a word. Think about what God’s done for you, thank him, and repeat.
Set aside time to have a Fika. I know you won’t regret it.
Sincerely your Fellow Fika Advocate