Little Monsters
Little Monsters
I walk around my room, collecting things here and there.
Cleaning out your room is a very important thing. One cannot hold onto things too tightly in this world.
My Dad taught me that a couple of years ago, I do my best to listen to His wisdom, but when you’re a kid like me you sometimes think you know what’s best.
Yesterday He told me to clean my room.
So here I am.
I got a rather large box from the garage and I started to place things inside of it.
Games, hats, movies, clothes that I almost never wore.
I filled the box up quite fast actually. I surprised myself with how much I was willing to get rid of.
I look around the room one last time, to see if there was anything else that still needed to go.
My eyes shift under the bed, “Should I get rid of them?” I thought to myself.
I get on my hands and knees and look underneath. “Guys I need you to come out, I can’t keep you around anymore, my Dad told me I need to bring Him everything that doesn’t make Him happy.
Three little monsters slid out from under the bed.
One with yellow fur and a tiny horn on the top of his head came out swinging his little furry arms at me. “You can’t get rid of us. You love us too much.“
The second was green. She slithered her tentacles around my leg. “You need us. Don’t let us go.”
The last little monster was Blue, he had many eyes covering his body. It was quite an odd little thing. “Remember all the good times we had together? Do you really want to give us up?”
I took a deep breath, my Dad after all told me this wouldn’t be easy. “Guys, I honestly regret keeping you around this long. You all need to go, you don’t belong in this room anymore.”
The little monsters grinned, a little too much in fact. It’s not like they were going to disappear just like that.
The Green Monster held on stronger, now holding my feet together.
The Blue Monster jumped up and knocked me off my feet, my head hitting the floor.
The Yellow Monster grabbed my blanket off the bed, and all of the monsters rolled me up like a burrito.
I was stuck, I was helpless, I couldn’t budge one bit.
“You thought you could get rid of us just like that?” The Yellow Monster sneered.
“We’ll be with you till the day you die, even if it’s a hundred years.” The Green Monster laughed.
“Why don’t you just go and cry for your Dad?” The Blue Monster mocked.
I began to calm myself. Why hadn’t I thought of that?
“Dad, can you come and help me please?” I called out.
“Sure buddy, I’ll be right there.”
The monsters all looked at each other, with fear in their eyes. They knew they couldn’t be here when He walked in the room.
They jumped off of me and ran towards my box.
As fast as they could they climbed up the side, and once inside the box, they closed the outside.
The door swung open, and My Dad walked in. He smiled gently as he saw me struggle wrapped up on the floor. “What in the world are you doing down here? I thought I asked you to clean up your room.”
He helped me get unraveled, and as I got my footing I run over to the box.
“Actually Dad, I did, I just attempted to get some Little Monsters into the box near the end, and well, they put up a fight.”
He smiled again. “May I see what’s in the box?”
I slowly open the lid, hoping the Little Monsters wouldn’t run out.
My Dad looked right in, paused, and looked back at me “Are you sure you’re ready to give these Little Monsters up?”
I nodded my head. “Dad, if I gave you my Pride, Lust, and Doubt, what would you do with it? I know you don’t like them.”
He closed the box up and set me on the bed. “They don’t belong in your life anymore. Because you’re in my family you have different things to play with. Like Hope your sister, or Joy your mom, and Peace the puppy as well. These are things I give you, you don’t need to ever look for a substitute again.”
I grab My Dad around the neck, and He hugs me quite tightly. “I don’t want anything to come between us again Dad. Can we throw away this box now?”
“I think that’s a great idea.” He leans over and grabs the box, I go over to the window and open it.
My Dad got a running start and threw it out the window.
The box flew so far I never saw it hit the ground.
I honestly think He threw it as far as the east is from the west.
The End.