God do you hear me?

Does Prayer Help Your Business?

February 05, 20256 min read

The Power of Prayer and Fasting in Marketing: A Kingdom Perspective

There’s a tension we often feel as we walk the tightrope between faith and business. We long to honor God in everything we do—but at the same time, we have deadlines to meet, clients to serve, and revenue goals to hit. In the relentless rhythm of marketing, it’s easy to forget the very foundation that should anchor us—God's sovereign presence. And even though we know that our work should be a reflection of His kingdom, we can quickly slip into a mindset that treats business as a mere transaction rather than a sacred calling.

But what if the way we approach our work—our strategies, our marketing campaigns, and even our very business practices—could be transformed by something as simple, and yet as profound, as prayer and fasting?

I’m not talking about quick, one-off prayers whispered while you’re driving to a meeting. No, I mean deep, intentional communion with God. I’m talking about fasting—not as a spiritual task we check off a list, but as an opportunity to re-center our hearts and realign our motives. What if these ancient practices could not only strengthen our faith but also serve as catalysts for our work?

When I first began my agency, I did what most entrepreneurs do: I hustled. I burned the midnight oil, worked through weekends, and put my whole identity into the growth of my business. It wasn’t until I hit a wall—a moment of exhaustion and soul weariness—that I realized something crucial: I’d been building my agency with my strength, not the strength of the Lord. And, like so many people who find themselves in the same place, I needed to recalibrate.

This is where prayer and fasting entered the picture.

The Quiet Power of Prayer

Prayer, for me, is not just a tool to ask God for things or seek His blessing on the things I’ve already planned. It’s a conversation—an ongoing dialogue between my soul and my Savior. I’ll admit that it’s easy to forget the power of prayer when you’re busy chasing after the next deal or the next “big idea.” But prayer grounds us in the reality that God is present in every conversation, every campaign, every dollar spent, and every client served.

When I started intentionally inviting God into the details of my business, I found a new depth of peace. Prayer reminded me that my success or failure isn’t ultimately dependent on my strategies or skillset—it’s dependent on His will. I began to pray over every little thing, asking God to guide us toward clients who aligned with our values. I prayed for wisdom in our decisions and humility in our success. And, when things didn’t go as planned, I prayed for the courage to persevere.

Prayer, in this sense, became a means of surrender. It was no longer about me doing everything in my power to grow the business. It was about allowing God to work through me and in me, even in the mundane moments of marketing.

The Radical Discipline of Fasting

Now, let’s talk fasting. I know, the word can sound a bit intense, right? It’s not exactly the most glamorous spiritual practice. And in the marketing world, where the culture thrives on the hustle and grind, fasting can feel downright counterintuitive. But fasting isn’t just about food—it’s about making space for God in places where we’ve filled our lives with noise.

When I started fasting, I didn’t do it to twist God’s arm into blessing my work. I did it because I needed to quiet my desires. I needed to step away from the constant pull of my ambitions and recalibrate my heart to a kingdom-centered perspective. The world tells us that growth and success are all about more—more hours worked, more clients, more revenue. But fasting invites us to surrender the “more” and embrace the “enough” of God.

Through fasting, I learned that I didn’t need to be constantly in motion to move forward. I didn’t need to be producing in order to feel valuable continually. Fasting forced me to confront the idols of busyness, productivity, and success that often ruled my heart. It humbled me and taught me to be still before God, to seek His direction over my own, and to trust that He was more than enough for me, even if my business didn’t grow as quickly as I wanted.

A Kingdom-Centered Business

At the heart of prayer and fasting is a posture of humility—one that says, “God, I can’t do this without You. But with You, all things are possible.” And when our businesses reflect that posture, they become more than just platforms for financial success. They become vehicles for kingdom impact.

This doesn’t mean that we neglect the practical aspects of our business—of course, we work hard and steward the resources God has given us. But it does mean that we keep our eyes on the eternal perspective, recognizing that God is working through our work for His purposes. We are not simply marketers; we are ambassadors of the gospel, entrusted with the task of representing the King in the marketplace.

As we lean into prayer and fasting, we begin to view our businesses through a different lens. We see them not as “our” businesses but as God’s, and we trust that He will guide us in how to use them for His glory. Whether it’s the way we treat clients or how we steward the finances, every aspect of our work becomes an act of worship.

A Word of Challenge

As much as prayer and fasting can renew our hearts, they can also be a challenge. They challenge our selfish motives, our cravings for success, and our need to control every outcome. But the beautiful thing about these practices is that, as we draw nearer to God, we are transformed. And when our hearts are transformed, so too are our businesses.

So, my friend, I want to ask you: How are you inviting God into your business? Are you depending on your strength, or are you trusting Him to work through you? When was the last time you took a moment to pray over your marketing strategies, to fast from the distractions that pull you away from Him, and to lean into the quiet power of God’s presence?

I believe that when we commit our work to Him—through prayer, fasting, and humility—our businesses will not only thrive in ways we never expected but will also reflect the glory of God’s kingdom to a watching world. And that, my friends, is the kind of marketing that truly makes an impact.

Let’s make space for God in our work. He is, after all, the one who knows best how to grow anything—businesses, hearts, and the kingdom of God.

The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

Mitchell Vine

The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

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