Does God Inconvenience Us?

March 07, 20253 min read

Dear readers, 

It has been a while since we’ve last talked, I pray that you are well, and that God is showing Himself to you in your chapter of your story. 

Today a lot has been on my mind, and to bring you into my narrative a bit I hit a bit of what most people would say is a roadblock, I’ve been seeing it as an opportunity. 

This past week, on Thursday I believe, I went to leave a meeting with one of my dear friends, I shifted my car into reverse, looked backwards, and started to roll forwards…

Not my favorite moment. 

I did my best to maneuver out of the situation, I failed gloriously. I called two people to get wisdom, some construction workers and a kind woman came over to help me, after watching me struggle for several minutes. 

We pushed the car out of the parking spot, and I began to roll down the hill. 

I pulled into another parking lot, and I popped the hood and sought out wisdom again from the two people I called earlier. (I am not very car-savvy if you did not know.)

They again shared what they thought I should do. Both did not sound super optimistic. I drove over to a shop, the lady said they couldn’t fix my problem and suggested one down the road. She proceeded to push my car backwards for me so I could get out of the parking lot.

I drove down the road for a couple moments, and I realized something. I had talked to my father about my situation.

But not my Heavenly Father.

I pulled into another parking lot (Four now, for those of you keeping track.)

I sat and I talked. Asked Him questions, was brutally honest, shared my fears and ideas and in the end I asked Him what He wanted me to do.

I’ve begun to pray for big things. God doesn’t want me to undermine His might, so I need to be more bold with my prayers.

I asked that if it was His will to fix my car right then and there that he would do it so I could continue to do the meetings I need to do for His ministry. And if not I will go to the next shop.

I ended my prayer. Turned the ignition, went to back up the car and the car rolled forward. I saw that it was very obvious God wanted me to take it to the shop.

God wanted me to stay put. I’m seeing that now. The conversations and interactions I’ve been given would not have happened if my car’s transmission would have been fixed in the blink of an eye. God knew what I needed, and He does to this day. 

It’s been about a week come tomorrow that I put my car in the shop. I’m still here in New York, and I won’t leave until God shows me it’s time. My level of dependence on Him and His Church is growing everyday.

That’s what He wants, I’m sure of it.

I want to encourage you to look at God’s timing, it will never line up with ours, and we need to learn to be very okay with that. 

I want to ask for your prayers, I continue to walk the journey God has laid before me, and the mountains and dark forests that rise up to meet me are quite exhausting some days. 

Until we have the pleasure to speak again,


The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

Mitchell Vine

The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

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