Does God still do miracles?

Do Miracles Actually Happen?

March 06, 20255 min read

Dear readers, 

(NOW it's the last training camp letter. I'm pretty sure...)

This story is going to be one of the more unbelievable stories you’ve ever heard. But I strongly encourage you to read, pause, take it to the Lord, and see what He says. 

Back about 5 years or so ago I was in Georgia for my training for a missionary trip. We were meeting together each day for sessions, meals, and training activities that drew us closer together. 

Near the middle of the week we had a time where we made a commitment to leadership and to each other. We committed to push each other in what God was calling us to do, to grow, share the Gospel, be disciple-makers. 

To lay our life down for Christ’s sake. 

I gave my ”Yes” to the team early on in the session. I had no doubt in my mind that this group of 44 was the church body that God was giving me to serve alongside for 2021. 

After I had made the decision, we took communion together. But I immediately became upset. In the middle of the room was a cup of wine, and a bowl full of bread. 

If you know much about me there are two things you probably remember the most about who I am.  

  1. I love hats.

  2. I am Gluten-Free.

I started talking to God in my anger.

“God, I hate that a stupid disease is preventing me from taking communion with my brothers and sisters. And God you know that this isn’t the first time this has happened. I’ve had this disease for over 15 years now. God I want to be done with it.”

I walked over took the bread and got on my knees. 

“God, if it is within your will I ask that you take this disease out of my body. So that I can taste and enjoy all you have to offer me. I will rejoice in your name every time food comes into my mouth. I pray all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

I placed the bread in the wine, and placed it in my mouth. 

Our session ended, and we went to get lunch immediately after. It was PB&J sandwiches. I took a sandwich from the line and brought it back to my table. I held it in my hand for a second. One of my squad mates asked what I was doing, she knew I was Gluten-Free. 

I looked over at her, “Yeah I was, I don’t know how this works, or if it does anymore, but I asked God to heal me of this disease, and I honestly think He did.” 

She became overjoyed, “Mitch, that’s amazing, would you be willing to let us pray over you as well?” 

“Yes absolutely.” 

Everyone at the table put their hands on me and on the PB&J sandwich in my hands. Her prayer was amazing. I don’t have the best memory, but she said something along the lines of this. 

“Lord, thank you so much for Mitch, and his boldness of asking for healing over this disease in his body. Please, if it is your will take it out of him and make him as he should be. Align his body to be as you want him to be. God we know you can if it is your will, we pray this in your son Jesus’ name, Amen.”

There was a pause. I took the sandwich and put it in my mouth. 

It was the best thing I had eaten in years. 

With having the Celiac Disease once I ate gluten, it would always come back to bite me, many long trips to the bathroom, and a plethora of stomach pains. 


I had not one issue with eating gluten since that day. No side effects whatsoever. Nothing. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe 100% percent God healed me, and I do not say that lightly. 

The joy in my heart, and praise on my lips every time I eat is astounding. I praise God every time I eat. Every time I look at something I haven’t been able to eat in years, I think “Thank you God, I can eat that again. Man you are so good.”

This is a story I’m going to share until the end of time. I’ve seen some crazy things lately, and now I can say God’s invited me to share one of those crazy things. 

I pray that you are able to join God in some of the crazy things He brings into your story. Just a forewarning, don’t tell God no when He wants to do something a little (or maybe a lot) unnatural. He deserves all the praise and glory, who’s to say He won’t do something out of the box?

Notes from 5 Years later: I was healed, I know that for a fact, and remembering this time was such a sweet memory. 3 years after writing this letter in a time of prayer God told me that he was going to return the disease to my body. I was bitter, but also so humbled that he gave me those three years.

I will never take for granted the gift of healing ever again, if God chooses to heal or allow the pain to stay there is a purpose for it. That was a lesson I shall never forget. 

Till we get the pleasure to speak again,


The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

Mitchell Vine

The Gospel story changed his heart, now it aches for others around the world to hear the same story told in many different ways.

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